Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Norm Constantine critiques Sonoma County abstinence-only curriculum

In an op ed published in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat, Professor Constantine argues that Life Choice-Healthy Futures, an abstinence‐only‐until‐marriage curriculum widely used in Sonoma County schools, is medically inaccurate and biased, in violation of state law.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Norm Constantine discusses adolescent sleep deprivation

In Sleepless in Textland, appearing in the San Jose Mercury News, Oakland Tribune, and Contra Costa Times, Norm Constantine, IHD member and clinical professor in the School of Public Health, discusses psychological and educational problems associated with adolescent sleep deprivation, and the potential role of late night texting:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Phil and Carolyn Cowanin the SJ Mercury News

Phil and Carolyn Cowan's research on the importance of father involvement is discussed in the San Jose Mercury News :

Steve Hinshaw discusses The Triple Bind

Steve Hinshaw is interviewed by Faiza Elmasry for Voice in America to discuss his new book, The Triple Bind:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Alison Gopnik in The SF Chronicle

Alison Gopnik, IHD member and Professor in the Department of Psychology, discusses her new book, The Philosophical Baby, in The San Francisco Chronicle:

Bruce Fuller in the NY Times

IHD codirector Bruce Fuller asks in the New York Times whether studentachievement is rising in New York City, or whether political motivationsdrive buoyant interpretations of annual test score data.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Steve Hinshaw on the Today Show

Psychology chair and IHD member, Steve Hinshaw, appeared on NBC's Today Show, discussing his new book, The Triple Bind, focusing pressures faced by adolescent girls in a society that's opened up new roles and multifaceted challenges as young females come of age.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009